
Anxiety is a common and natural response to stress, but when it becomes overwhelming and interferes with daily life, it’s time to take action. If you’re struggling with anxiety and how to stop feeling anxious in the moment, know that you’re not alone, and there are effective ways to regain control over your emotions. In this blog post, we’ll explore strategies to help you stop feeling anxious, worry or fear and introduce you to the innovative Shift Program, a groundbreaking approach to treating anxiety offered by ShiftGrit Psychology & Counselling.

Understanding Anxiety – How To Stop Feeling Anxious

Before we dive into managing anxiety, it’s crucial to understand what it is. Anxiety is a natural response that helps us deal with potential threats or challenges. However, when anxiety becomes excessive and chronic, it can lead to a range of physical and emotional symptoms, including restlessness, rapid heartbeat, racing thoughts, and excessive worry.

Recognizing the Signs

The first step in managing anxiety is recognizing the signs and symptoms. These may vary from person to person, but some common indicators of anxiety include:

  • Excessive worrying: Constantly dwelling on negative thoughts and future uncertainties.
  • Physical symptoms: Experiencing tension, sweating, trembling, or a racing heart.
  • Avoidance behaviours: Avoiding situations or activities that trigger anxiety.
  • Difficulty concentrating: Finding it challenging to focus on tasks due to racing thoughts.
  • Irritability: Feeling on edge or easily agitated.

Now, let’s explore effective strategies to help you stop feeling anxious:

  • Deep Breathing: Practice deep breathing exercises to calm your nervous system. Inhale deeply through your nose, hold for a few seconds, and exhale slowly through your mouth. Repeat this process several times.
  • Mindfulness and Meditation: Engage in mindfulness practices or meditation to stay grounded in the present moment. This can help you detach from anxious thoughts.
  • Regular Exercise: Incorporate physical activity into your routine. Exercise releases endorphins, which are natural mood lifters, and helps reduce stress.
  • Healthy Eating: Maintain a balanced diet rich in fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean proteins. Avoid excessive caffeine and sugar, which can exacerbate anxiety.
  • Adequate Sleep: Prioritize quality sleep to support your mental and emotional well-being. Lack of sleep can intensify anxiety symptoms.
  • Limiting Stimulants: Reduce or eliminate the consumption of alcohol, nicotine, and recreational drugs, as they can worsen anxiety.
  • Setting Realistic Goals: Break down your tasks into manageable steps and set achievable goals. This can prevent feeling overwhelmed.
  • Seeking Support: Reach out to friends, family, or a therapist for emotional support. Talking about your feelings can be incredibly helpful.

Introducing the Shift Program: A Revolutionary Approach to Anxiety Treatment

While the above strategies can be effective in managing anxiety, sometimes a more targeted approach is needed. That’s where the Shift Program comes in—a groundbreaking therapeutic approach offered by ShiftGrit Psychology & Counselling.

The Shift Program focuses on reconditioning the responses of the brain, specifically the “walnut brain” or the pre-evolutionary brain. It uses psychological techniques similar to classical conditioning, often compared to rehabilitating a rescue dog afraid of work boots.

how to stop feeling anxious

How the Shift Program Works for Anxiety

Imagine a rescue dog terrified of work boots. The Shift Program aims to replace the dog’s fear response with a sense of safety by gradually exposing the dog to the boots in controlled, positive situations. This process closely parallels the idea of reprocessing traumatic associations in humans, achieved through incremental exposure and controlled responses—essentially, classical conditioning in reverse.

Here’s how the Shift Program works:

  • Assessment: A comprehensive evaluation helps identify the specific triggers and causes of anxiety in an individual.
  • Targeted Exposure: The individual is gradually exposed to the sources of their anxiety in a controlled and supportive environment.
  • Positive Associations: Through repeated exposure, positive associations are formed, helping the person reframe their perception and emotional response.
  • Sustainable Change: Over time, these new associations become ingrained, leading to a lasting shift in emotional responses.

The Power of the Shift Program

The Shift Program is a powerful tool in the treatment of anxiety because it addresses the core mechanisms behind the condition. By reprogramming the brain’s responses, individuals can break free from the cycle of anxiety and experience lasting relief. It offers a sense of empowerment, as individuals regain control over their emotional well-being.


Anxiety can be a challenging condition to navigate, but it’s important to remember that help is available, and recovery is possible. By incorporating strategies for managing anxiety into your daily life and considering innovative approaches like the Shift Program, you can take proactive steps toward stopping the overwhelming feelings of anxiety.

If you or someone you know is struggling with anxiety, don’t hesitate to reach out for help. ShiftGrit Psychology & Counselling is dedicated to providing effective solutions for anxiety through the Shift Program and other evidence-based approaches. A life with less anxiety and more peace is within reach, and taking that first step towards healing is a significant accomplishment.