ShiftGrit Psychology & Counselling - binge eating disorder treatment calgary

Overcome Binge-Eating Disorder with Professional Therapy in Calgary

ShiftGrit provides binge eating disorder treatment Calgary which includes specialized treatment for individuals who struggle with Binge-Eating Disorder. Our team of experienced therapists is dedicated to helping our clients overcome this debilitating disorder by systematically reducing and/or eliminating Limiting Beliefs using Reconditioning.

Reconditioning techniques offer promising avenues for recovery. Binge-eating disorders often involve cycles of compulsive overeating driven by emotional triggers, leading to feelings of guilt, shame, and loss of control. The Shift Protocol provides a structured framework for addressing the underlying psychological factors contributing to binge eating. Therapists can help clients develop new perspectives on food, emotions, and self-image, promoting healthier coping mechanisms and self-regulation strategies.

Reconditioning techniques can be employed to disrupt the automatic patterns of binge eating by gradually exposing individuals to triggers while encouraging alternative, more adaptive responses. By addressing emotional or traumatic experiences linked to binge eating through Reconditioning, therapists can help clients manage triggers more effectively and reduce the frequency and intensity of binge episodes. Through therapy based on the Shift Protocol, individuals can cultivate a more balanced relationship with food, improve emotional regulation, and work towards long-term recovery from binge-eating disorders. Here’s how the Shift Protocol works for Binge-Eating Disorders:

  • Assessment: The therapist assesses the individual’s eating patterns, binge triggers, and the severity of the disorder to better understand the specific factors contributing to their BED.
  • Psycho-education: The individual is educated about BED, its causes, and the rationale behind the Reconditioning. Understanding the nature of their disorder can help individuals better cope with their symptoms.
  • Exposure: The individual is gradually exposed to situations, thoughts, or objects that trigger their binge eating episodes. This exposure can be done in real-life situations or through imaginal exposure (imagining the feared situation). The goal is to help the individual learn that their fears or urges to binge can be managed without engaging in binge eating.
  • Integration: The individual is encouraged to confront their binge eating triggers and resist engaging in binge eating behaviours. Through this process, they learn to integrate their thoughts and emotions, rather than avoiding or suppressing them. This integration helps break the cycle of binge eating and promotes healthier coping mechanisms.
  • Cognitive restructuring: The therapist helps the individual identify and challenge their dysfunctional thoughts and beliefs related to their BED. This can involve replacing these thoughts with more rational and balanced alternatives.
  • Developing healthy coping strategies: The individual learns to replace binge eating with healthier coping mechanisms, such as mindfulness, emotion regulation, and stress management techniques. They also work on establishing regular eating patterns, improving their relationship with food, and developing a healthier body image.
  • Relapse prevention: The therapist works with the individual to develop strategies to prevent relapse and maintain the progress made during therapy. This may include learning to recognize early warning signs of a potential relapse and developing coping skills to manage them.
  • Support: Family and friends may be involved in the therapy process to provide additional support and understanding. This can help create a supportive environment that encourages the individual to continue working on their recovery.

ShiftGrit Psychology & Counselling - binge eating disorder treatment calgary

At ShiftGrit, we recognize that every client is unique, which is why we tailor our approach to meet their individual needs. Our therapy sessions are designed to be supportive, non-judgmental, and empowering, helping our clients to build confidence and develop the skills they need to overcome their disorder.

If you or someone you know is struggling with Binge-Eating Disorder, we invite you to visit our website to learn more about our approach and how we can help.

Understanding the Complexities of Binge-Eating Disorder: Common Contributing Factors

Binge-eating disorder is a complex mental health condition that can be caused by a variety of factors. Understanding the potential triggers for binge-eating behaviours is an important part of developing an effective treatment plan. Here are five common factors that can contribute to binge-eating disorders:

  • Emotional distress and trauma: Many people with binge-eating disorders use food as a coping mechanism to deal with difficult emotions or past traumas.
  • Poor body image and low self-esteem: Negative feelings about one’s body can lead to binge-eating behaviours as a way to cope with low self-esteem or numb difficult emotions.
  • Genetics and family history: Studies have shown that there may be a genetic component to binge-eating disorder, and a family history of eating disorders can increase the risk.
  • Dieting and restrictive eating patterns: Strict dieting or extreme food restrictions can lead to feelings of deprivation, triggering binge-eating behaviours.
  • Stress and anxiety: High levels of stress and anxiety can cause individuals to turn to food as a way to cope, leading to binge-eating behaviours as a means of finding temporary relief.

ShiftGrit Psychology & Counselling - binge eating disorder treatment calgary

Downtown Therapist Calgary

ShiftGrit Psychology & Counselling

815 17 Avenue SW #210, Calgary, AB, T2T 0A1, Canada

Phone: (587) 352-6463


What is binge-eating disorder?

Binge-eating disorder is a type of eating disorder characterized by recurrent episodes of binge eating, defined as eating a large amount of food in a short period of time and feeling a lack of control during the binge. Binge-eating disorder is often accompanied by feelings of shame, guilt, and distress.

What causes binge-eating disorder?

The exact cause of binge-eating disorder is not fully understood, but it is thought to be influenced by a combination of genetic, environmental, and psychological factors. These may include a history of trauma or abuse, negative body image, and certain personality traits or life circumstances.

How does binge-eating disorder affect a person?

Binge-eating disorder can impact a person's physical and emotional health, as well as their relationships and overall quality of life. It can lead to feelings of shame, guilt, and distress, and can also increase the risk of physical health problems such as obesity, high blood pressure, and diabetes.

What are some signs of binge-eating disorder?

Some signs of binge-eating disorder may include recurrent episodes of binge eating, eating a large amount of food in a short period of time, feeling a lack of control during the binge, feeling ashamed or guilty about eating habits, and eating alone or in secret.

How is binge-eating disorder treated?

Treatment for binge-eating disorder typically involves a combination of therapy and medication. Cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) and dialectical behavior therapy (DBT) are commonly used forms of therapy to help individuals identify and change negative thoughts and behaviors related to binge-eating. Medications such as antidepressants and antipsychotics may also be helpful in reducing binge-eating behaviors.

How do I find a therapist for binge-eating disorder in Calgary?

To find a therapist for binge-eating disorder in Calgary, you can contact your primary care doctor or a mental health professional for recommendations, search online or through directories such as the Canadian Psychological Association's "Find a Psychologist" tool, or ask for referrals from friends or family.

How long does therapy for binge-eating disorder typically take?

The duration of therapy for binge-eating disorder can vary depending on the individual and the severity of their symptoms. Some people may see improvement in a few weeks or months, while others may need longer-term treatment. It's important to work with your therapist to determine a treatment plan that is right for you.

Is therapy for binge-eating disorder covered by insurance?

Insurance coverage for therapy for binge-eating disorder can vary depending on your specific plan and the province in which you live. In Alberta, most insurance plans cover a portion of the cost of mental health treatment, including therapy for binge-eating disorder. It's a good idea to check with your insurance provider to understand your coverage and any potential out-of-pocket expenses.

How can I prepare for therapy for binge-eating disorder?

To prepare for therapy for binge-eating disorder, it can be helpful to gather information about your eating habits and any underlying thoughts, feelings, or behaviors that may contribute to your binge-eating. You may also want to consider what you hope to achieve through therapy and

Can binge-eating therapy be done online?

Yes, binge-eating therapy can be done online, either through video conferencing or through other methods of virtual communication. Many therapists now offer virtual therapy sessions as an alternative to in-person visits, which can be especially helpful for individuals who live in rural or remote areas or who have mobility issues. It's important to consider factors such as the therapist's credentials, experience, and treatment approach when choosing a virtual therapy provider.