ADHD Assessments

ShiftGrit Psychology & Counselling offers comprehensive testing and ADHD assessments of Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). We devote ourselves to offering treatments rooted in scientific evidence to adults and children dealing with ADHD, in addition to other learning disabilities and hurdles.

ADHD, a neurodevelopmental condition, impedes the brain’s capacity to effectively control attention and hyperactivity. Children living with ADHD often struggle with staying focused, sitting in one place, curbing spontaneous behaviour, and task organization. It’s essential to note that ADHD isn’t confined to children. Adults witnessing issues with their ability to concentrate, diminished attention span, deteriorating organizational abilities or productivity may also find an ADHD evaluation to be beneficial.

Our comprehensive ADHD testing and assessment methodology in Calgary & Edmonton is designed around the individual symptoms of each patient. Specialists in ADHD from our clinic meticulously evaluate the cognitive abilities, job-related skills, and other functioning areas of our patients. These evaluations involve a combination of computer-based, written, or spoken tests. We also conduct assessments for other potential medical conditions related to ADHD, such as other learning disabilities or depression.

We offer a robust ADHD treatment program at ShiftGrit Psychology & Counselling. It incorporates a variety of services aimed at helping you cope with your symptoms and improve your overall life quality. Our team is a collective of experienced professionals with a track record of treating ADHD in both children and adults successfully over many years. We are committed to delivering excellent care within a nurturing, comfortable setting.


Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD) and Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) are commonly confused as they both encompass behavioural disorders that can affect concentration and activity levels. However, they differ significantly in their symptomatology and diagnostic criteria.

ADD is an outdated term that was used to describe a set of behaviours primarily characterized by problems with attention and concentration. The term was replaced in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM) by ADHD in the late 1980s. ADHD encompasses not only the attention and concentration issues seen in the old definition of ADD but also includes symptoms of hyperactivity and impulsivity.

ADHD is a more comprehensive term, recognizing that individuals diagnosed with this disorder can struggle with attention, may act impulsively, and display excessive activity levels. It is currently divided into three sub-types in the DSM-5, reflecting the diversity of ways this disorder can manifest in different individuals.

The first subtype is Predominantly Inattentive Presentation, which was what was once referred to as ADD. This sub-type is characterized by significant problems with attention and concentration but without the hallmark signs of hyperactivity or impulsivity. Symptoms may include difficulty sustaining focus, forgetfulness, being easily distracted, making careless mistakes, and struggling with organizational skills. Individuals with this type of ADHD may seem daydreamy, spacey, or “in their own world.”

The second subtype is Predominantly Hyperactive-Impulsive Presentation. This sub-type encapsulates individuals who exhibit high levels of activity and impulsivity but do not struggle with attention as much. They may fidget, talk excessively, have difficulty waiting their turn, and act without considering the consequences. Their behavior can often come across as disruptive or restless.

The third sub-type is Combined Presentation, which is the most common type of ADHD. It involves significant problems with attention, hyperactivity, and impulsivity. Those with this sub-type show a mix of symptoms from the other two sub-types. They struggle to focus, are hyperactive, and often act on impulse. This combination can be particularly challenging, affecting various areas of life, including academic, work, and social functioning.

In conclusion, while ADD and ADHD are sometimes used interchangeably in everyday language, it’s important to understand that ADD is an outdated term and ADHD is the accurate, current terminology. ADHD is a multifaceted disorder with a spectrum of symptoms that can vary greatly between individuals. The three sub-types of ADHD (Predominantly Inattentive, Predominantly Hyperactive-Impulsive, and Combined Presentation) help clinicians and patients better understand and manage the specific challenges they face.

What is an ADHD assessment?

An ADHD assessment is a thorough evaluation of an individual's cognitive, behavioral, and emotional functioning to determine if they exhibit symptoms consistent with Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder.

Who can benefit from an ADHD assessment?

Individuals of all ages, children to adults, who experience difficulty with attention span, concentration, hyperactivity, or impulsivity might benefit from an ADHD assessment.

What does an ADHD assessment at ShiftGrit Psychology & Counselling involve?

Our ADHD assessment includes an evaluation of cognitive functions, workplace skills, and other areas of functioning using various methods like computer-based tests, written examinations, or verbal assessments. We also screen for other potential medical conditions tied to ADHD.

How is ADHD diagnosed?

Secondary conditions associated with ADHD can include other learning disabilities, depression, anxiety, or behavioral disorders. It's essential to identify and treat these conditions alongside ADHD for comprehensive care.

What treatment options does ShiftGrit Psychology & Counselling offer for ADHD?

We offer a broad range of services as part of our ADHD treatment program. These are aimed at helping manage symptoms and improve the quality of life. Our services are backed by scientific evidence and administered by experienced professionals.

What benefits can adults expect from an ADHD assessment?

Adults experiencing impairments in attention span, concentration, organization, or a decrease in productivity may find the assessment beneficial. It can provide clarity about their condition and help them seek appropriate treatment.

How long does an ADHD assessment take?

The duration of the assessment varies depending on the individual's symptoms and the thoroughness of the evaluation. It could take anywhere from a few hours to a few sessions spread across days.

What is the next step after an ADHD diagnosis?

Following a diagnosis, the professionals at ShiftGrit Psychology & Counselling will develop an individualized treatment plan that could involve medication, therapy, or a combination of both. The plan would also address any secondary conditions identified.

Does ShiftGrit Psychology & Counselling offer ongoing support after ADHD diagnosis?

Yes, we pride ourselves on providing continued support to our patients. Following diagnosis, our dedicated team will guide you through the treatment process and provide ongoing care to help manage symptoms and enhance life quality.

Adult ADHD Testing

ADHD assessments or tests vary in terms of their focus, depth, and methodology, often contingent on the specific needs of the individual, the clinician’s preferences, and the setting in which the evaluation takes place.

  1. Screening Assessments: These assessments, often used in primary care or educational settings, are quick, straightforward tools used to identify potential ADHD cases. They typically involve checklists or questionnaires filled out by the individual or their caregivers, which aim to identify the presence of core ADHD symptoms. Although not diagnostic, they serve as an effective first step in the assessment process.
  2. Comprehensive Diagnostic Assessments: These assessments are in-depth and multi-faceted, involving a combination of interviews, questionnaires, and standardized rating scales filled out by the individual, parents, teachers, or other relevant parties. The aim is to gather information about the individual’s symptoms, their severity, and their impact on different areas of life. This evaluation also considers the individual’s developmental history, medical history, academic or occupational performance, and social functioning.
  3. Neuropsychological Assessments: These are specialized evaluations often used when symptoms are complex, or comorbid conditions are suspected. They involve tests that measure cognitive abilities such as attention, memory, executive functioning, and impulsivity. These tests provide a more detailed understanding of an individual’s cognitive profile, which can be useful in tailoring interventions.
  4. Computerized Assessments: These are digital tests that use software to measure response times, attention, impulsivity, and other cognitive functions. They can provide objective data on ADHD symptoms and are sometimes used in conjunction with traditional assessment methods.

It’s important to note that no single test can definitively diagnose ADHD. A comprehensive approach combining multiple assessment methods typically provides the most accurate and useful information. A thorough ADHD assessment process is designed to not only determine the presence of ADHD but also understand its impact on an individual’s life, uncover any comorbid conditions, and guide treatment planning.

Our Psychologist

Pricing Details

ADHD Evaluation: The following are the estimated hours required for an ADHD evaluation for an adult or a child:

  • Initial Consultation with the Client
  • Administration of ADHD Tests
  • Scoring, File Review, and Report Compilation
  • Feedback Session with the Client

Book a call with our Client Experience agent and they will get your specific information for the assessment and provide you the fee associated with it.

*note – we are only booking assessments for in-person appointments at our Edmonton 124street location at this time

Insurance Information:

Various extended healthcare plans may fully cover or partially offset the cost of a private ADHD evaluation. We strongly recommend that you consult your insurance provider to understand the extent of your coverage. Our team is committed to assisting clients in navigating the billing process to ensure maximum utilization of their insurance coverage.